The Standard for excellence, reliability and service-in your court and in your corner.


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JSI Welcomes Four New Clients to the Family
By JSI on March 20, 2019 in

JSI would like to welcome Grays Harbor, WA, Seminole, FL, Portsmouth, VA, and Bay, MI into the JSI Family. We are ecstatic to welcome our new clients and are looking forward to supplying them with our expert insight to help them with their Jury needs. Seminole has decided to go green and go paperless for all of their jury reminder notices. They will be utilizing our e-notifications and will send all reminders electronically.  Bay County has decided to use our latest product, JURY+ Debit Cards, to help reduce the number of returned checks. JSI continues to supply our clients with the most up to date technology allowing our clients to be successful and efficient in the Jury Management process.

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Virginia Beach Circuit Court Upgrades with Browser-based JMS & Kiosks
By JSI on January 14, 2016 in

Happy New Year to all!  Jury Systems Incorporated hopes everyone had a fantastic holiday season.  As we zip into 2016, we would like to announce yet another current client moving over to our browser-based jury management software, JURY+ Web Generation!  We are thrilled that the Virginia Beach Circuit Court will be another user of our newest JMS and our first JURY+ Web Generation installation in the state of Virginia!  The Virginia Beach Circuit Court has been a longtime member of the JSI family and uses many of our modules including JURY+ Web Solution, JURY+ Imaging Solution, JURY+ Voice Solution,

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JSI for the WIN!
By JSI on November 16, 2015 in

Lucas County Common Pleas Court in Ohio has been in the Jury Systems Incorporated family for over a decade.   However, in this ever-changing environment, we understand that from time to time a Court may need to perform their due diligence in ensuring the products and services they are utilizing are truly best for their business application and usage.

JSI had the opportunity to respond to the RFP released by Lucas County, OH to once again prove why we are still the best jury management provider in the business!  The Court has chosen to upgrade to our latest browser-based JMS, JURY+ Web Generation (from their current Windows-based, JURY+ Next Generation)

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Asotin County, WA for website
RFP Awarded by Washington Court!
By JSI on August 26, 2015 in

It’s official!  Asotin County Superior Court has appointed Jury Systems Incorporated as their new jury management provider!  This southwestern county in Washington sits on the corner of the state and borders Idaho and Oregon.  The court will be using our Windows-based product, JURY+ Next Generation, (one of the two core jury management solutions we offer) as well as JURY+ Shoebox ARM, a module designed to assist courts who print documents in-house.  JURY+ Shoebox ARM allows a court to update prospective juror addresses automatically in the system whenever they wish, ensuring the summons and/or questionnaire is sent to the newest address on file.  These two JURY+ Solutions will be replacing Asotin’s in-house system and are scheduled to be up and running before the end of the year. 

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More West Coast Implementations!
By JSI on May 12, 2015 in

JURY+ Web Solution has certainly been trending on the West Coast lately!  Jury Systems Incorporated is proud to announce two additional clients who have gone into production with the application within the past couple of weeks.  The Superior Courts of California, Counties of Butte and Yuba are now able to allow prospective jurors to go online to update personal information, qualify/disqualify themselves for service, check their status, or even request a postponement.  As residents will now have the opportunity to respond in this manner, the potential for FTA (failure to appear) jurors decreases.  Giving jurors more options and access to the jury office without creating extra work for court personnel is essential with the need for increased efficiency in today’s busy world.

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JURY+ Web Solution is Everywhere!
By JSI on April 20, 2015 in

It’s happened again!  Another one of our longtime clients, the Superior Court of California, County of Mono is officially live with JURY+ Web Solution!  This online juror response will allow those who are summoned to add/update their contact information, qualify themselves for service, or request a postponement.  Once they put in a request, the jury office has the ability to see what information the prospective juror has given to see where their request falls within the court’s guidelines.  This will significantly help reduce both the number of calls into the jury office as well as the amount of paperwork mailed back to the court in which the jury office has to look over every one individually to see what information the juror has given.

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Online Responses Growing in the Jury World
By JSI on February 18, 2015 in

We are proud to announce the three most recent go-lives for JURY+ Web Solution will benefit over 1.3 million citizens in the state of California!  The counties of Kern, Merced, and Yolo have each successfully implemented our online juror response which allows those summoned to qualify or disqualify themselves for service, update their contact information, change their reporting date, request a postponement, review their service status and more.  Not only is this great news for jurors, but it significantly benefits those in the jury office as well.  JURY+ Web Solution allows staff members to save time where they would otherwise manually enter summons that have been mailed back completed. The application also acts as another means for jurors to retrieve information so they may not need to call the jury office. 

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Summer 2014 Wrap-Up
By JSI on October 30, 2014 in

The summer of 2014 was full of activity here at Jury Systems Incorporated, both in the office as well as on-site at client locations.  When we weren’t on the East Coast assisting the three new Maryland courts who joined the consolidated state system (Anne Arundel, Harford, and Frederick counties), we also jumped to the West Coast for Lewis County, Washington’s go-live in June.  Lewis County has the honor of being labeled our ‘WA Sweet 16’, as they are our 16th Washington client to date!  Their purchase of our core JMS software, JURY+ Next Generation, has helped the court update and streamline their jury operation while saving staff time and taxpayer money.

This past July,

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Introducing Our Newest Maryland Clients!
By JSI on July 22, 2014 in

Can you believe it’s already late July?  Where has the summer gone?   We’ve been quite busy on the East Coast, adding THREE new clients to our statewide system in Maryland.  The Circuit Courts for Anne Arundel, Harford, and Frederick Counties have chosen to take advantage of the consolidated contract Jury Systems Incoroporated has with the Maryland AOC and jump on board!  All three courts will be utilizing our Windows-based core system, (JURY+ Next Generation aka NextGen), the online juror summons/questionnaire (JURY+ Web Solution), as well as our JURY+ Address Replacement Module (ARM) to ensure mailings are sent to the best addresses the NCOA has at the time of printing.

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Groundbreaking Work With The Third Judicial Circuit Of Michigan
By JSI on November 13, 2013 in

The Third Judicial Circuit is the largest Circuit in Michigan with 63 judges and 3 operating divisions. Located in Detroit and serving all of Wayne County, the Third Circuit Court’s Jury Services Department has been a Jury Systems Incorporated client since the early 1990’s. Like other Michigan courts, the Third Circuit Court has historically operated their jury management using a 2-Step qualification and summons process.

In November of 2012, the Third Circuit Administration team and JSI held a project planning meeting in Detroit to discuss building a new JURY+ Jury Management System. The scope of the project included data conversion from JURY+ Classic to JURY+ Next Generation and adding the JURY+ Web Solution and JURY+ Imaging Solution applications with the new system.

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