The Standard for excellence, reliability and service-in your court and in your corner.


Summer 2014 Wrap-Up
By JSI on October 30, 2014 in

The summer of 2014 was full of activity here at Jury Systems Incorporated, both in the office as well as on-site at client locations.  When we weren’t on the East Coast assisting the three new Maryland courts who joined the consolidated state system (Anne Arundel, Harford, and Frederick counties), we also jumped to the West Coast for Lewis County, Washington’s go-live in June.  Lewis County has the honor of being labeled our ‘WA Sweet 16’, as they are our 16th Washington client to date!  Their purchase of our core JMS software, JURY+ Next Generation, has helped the court update and streamline their jury operation while saving staff time and taxpayer money.

This past July,

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MD State Flag
Introducing Our Newest Maryland Clients!
By JSI on July 22, 2014 in

Can you believe it’s already late July?  Where has the summer gone?   We’ve been quite busy on the East Coast, adding THREE new clients to our statewide system in Maryland.  The Circuit Courts for Anne Arundel, Harford, and Frederick Counties have chosen to take advantage of the consolidated contract Jury Systems Incoroporated has with the Maryland AOC and jump on board!  All three courts will be utilizing our Windows-based core system, (JURY+ Next Generation aka NextGen), the online juror summons/questionnaire (JURY+ Web Solution), as well as our JURY+ Address Replacement Module (ARM) to ensure mailings are sent to the best addresses the NCOA has at the time of printing.

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