The Standard for excellence, reliability and service — in your court and in your corner.

JURY+ Address Replacement Module (ARM)

A smart solution for those who outsource printing and mailing of summonses and questionnaires.

If you're using an outside resource to print and mail your summonses and questionnaires, you know how costly and time-consuming it can be when you discover jurors with a forwarding address, undeliverable address, or an address outside the county.

JURY+ ARM eliminates those frustrations and helps your operation run more efficiently.

Key Benefits:

- Eliminates aggravating, time-consuming manual entries or reprocessing
- Saves you time and money

Learn more about JURY+ ARM Module.
Contact us today.

Important Features:

- Tracks forwarding addresses, undeliverable addresses, and jurors that have moved out of the county
- Jurors who have moved out of the county are automatically disqualified from service
- Automatically updates JURY+ Web Generation

"This court has been a client of Jury Systems Incorporated since 1998.  I am glad to say that since we purchased the JSI package we have not had any problems, even the jurors are amazed at how well the software helps my office to coordinate the trial activity as well as their schedules during their time here. JSI has always responded quickly to any questions I have and I must say that it is very nice to know that someone is listening on the other end. The software is very easy to learn and is extremely flexible in what can be done to initiate jury trials as well as all follow up needed for courtrooms, judges and jurors.  Thanks JSI."

Tom Shields Jury Commissioner
Franklin County Municipal Court, OH