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Jury Systems Blog

Round ‘em Up! Another Texas Court Chooses Jury Systems!
By JSI on March 31, 2015 in

Howdy!  We are more than pleased to announce Fort Worth Municipal Court has chosen Jury Systems Incorporated as its preferred JMS vendor!  Previous to this, the City of Fort Worth was using a manual system.  An expanding population seemed to be just the motivation this court needed as the previous way of doing business was creating a more tedious and less efficient jury experience for both staff and jurors.  The court knew it was time to look for an alternative solution and knew who could handle the job best.

With a population of almost 800,000 within the city limits alone and an annual growth rate of 3.9% between 2000 and 2010 (according to the U.S. Census Bureau), the City of Fort Worth has been called the fastest growing large city in the United States.  Domestic migration has been a big factor in population growth due to the strong economy, especially when compared with other areas throughout the nation.  Other factors which have played a significant part in this expansion can be explained by an increased birth rate, immigration, and a longer average life expectancy.  As the City of Fort Worth has realized this growth isn’t slowing down, officials have taken the appropriate steps to insure their courts will have the technology to handle both their current and increasing population.

Luckily, this is where we come in.  Our JMS can and do handle courts of any size, whether they support a court with a county population of 3,000 or a statewide implementation with more than 5 million people within a single database.  Our JURY+ Solutions are extremely flexible and configurable so that, regardless of growth, the City of Fort Worth will easily be able to utilize our system for years to come.

Fort Worth Municipal Court will be implementing JURY+ Web Generation, our browser-based core jury management system, as well as JURY+ Web Solution, our online juror response.  We have scheduled for their court to go-live later this year so keep an eye out for updates!