Jury System Inc.’s Project Manager and Director of Education Services Sandi Willett and Marketing Specialist Tessa Prophet just got back from Logan, Utah where they had the opportunity to attend the 2013 New Dawn Technologies (NDT) Training Conference. New Dawn Technologies is a case management solutions company that has an expertise in data integration and public access solutions for their clients. Jury Systems was asked to participate in the conference by hosting a session on Tuesday afternoon regarding jury service. Since the audience for the class was current NDT software users, we had members from all over the country! There were representatives from Breckenridge County Municipal Court (CO), a Coeur d’Alene prosecutor’s office (ID), the Navajo Nations Judicial Districts, as well as users from Grays Harbor (WA) to name a few.
Although the group itself was diverse, there was one commonality: every person in the room had been called to serve as a juror at one point in time or another. Sandi gave a fantastic and informative presentation that began with “serving” everyone with jury duty (via summons that were handed out) and then going through and explaining everything that goes into the creation of each jury pool. Starting with the basics of what qualifies an individual to be able to serve for jury duty to bigger topics such as the importance of obtaining and maintaining accurate source lists, the class was both an interactive and educational event.
Check back soon to see what JSI will be involved in next!