Wow! CTC 2015 was quite a whirlwind, wasn’t it? First off, a big thanks goes out to everyone at the National Center for State Courts who helped put this fantastic event together- cheers for making this such a great experience for both exhibitors and attendees alike! Wendy M. Riley, our newest Project Manager and Education Coordinator, noted: “The Exhibit Show Room was fabulous, spacious, and functional. The event coordinators really did a great job and thought of just about everything.” We understand this conference must be quite an undertaking and JSI is happy to play a small part in it every other year.
At the show, Jury Systems Incorporated was ecstatic to have the opportunity to exhibit for the 1000+ attendees and demonstrate our newest JURY+ Solutions. “Our team had a wonderful time at CTC in Minneapolis meeting new folks and visiting with our many friends and colleagues from courts in the U.S., Canada, Guam, and the Virgin Islands…”, said Sandi Willet, Project Manager and Director of Education Services here at JSI. With so many court personnel in attendance from all over the world, we were thrilled to get the chance to speak with many people about their needs, wants, and expectations in the jury space and how our products can serve as answers. As the court world is constantly changing and adapting, our team is always eager to hear what jury office users have to say.
At the event, attendees had the chance to interact with 3 of our newest products. JURY+ Web Generation (WebGen) is our latest browser-based jury management system available. Clients with our Windows-based JMS, JURY+ Next Generation, can’t wait to get their hands on WebGen and are loving the updated look and feel of it! It is easily the most robust, configurable, and user-friendly JMS on the market. As with all of our products, there is no “down time” when summoning jurors, running reports, or processing requests. Get in touch with us to see for yourself!
The second product on display at CTC 2015 was JURY+ Web Solution, which is an online portal a juror can long onto in order to update their information, qualify or disqualify themselves for service, request a postponement, and more. Once a request has been submitted (depending on the business rules set by the court), a juror’s record may either be updated automatically based on the information provided or the content can be flagged for a user’s review. JURY+ Web Solution enhances communication between jurors and the court, is an easy way to increase workload efficiency for your staff, and reduces spending on labor-intensive tasks. The application also keeps the information stored within each juror’s record so there is no need for physical storage, thereby keeping documents from becoming lost or damaged.
JURY + Express Check-In, our final product on display at CTC has full kiosk capabilities with a small physical footprint. This juror check-in records case or pool attendance and has a wide variety of functions to fit each court’s needs. We showcased the countertop version in Minneapolis; however, standalone or portable modes are also available.
We have attended several Court Technology Conferences in the past, and it’s easy to see why this show draws in the largest crowds. With sessions ranging from exploration of courts’ virtual, mobile, and social tech implementations to adapting courthouses in order to support current and future judicial branch needs, each attendee had the opportunity to follow a number of interesting tracks. You can stream most of the sessions as well as the keynote and endnote here as well.
In case you missed us at CTC, fret not. The Jury Systems Incorporated team will be on the road again soon! Feel free to follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up with our latest news and see if we’ll be in your area! Additionally, please feel free to invite us to your local or statewide conferences by emailing